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Showing posts from February, 2020

Myth & Misconception about spine surgery in India

                                        There is lot of Misconception and Misunderstanding about spine surgery in the society.                     The Misconception is that spine surgery is not successful is not true, rather successful in 90% cases if done earlier. Misconception such as: 1.        A patient has to be bed ridden after spine surgery. Not True ·         With latest trends early mobilization from bed in current trend. ·         Patients are made to sit up, stand & walk on the second day after spine surgery. 2.        Patients cannot go back to work after spine surgery.   Or    One is handicapped for life Not True ·         Now days, patients are very well cured and go back to work in month or two month after spine surgery. ·         With physiotherapy, Work rehabilitation and ergonomic advice after spine surgery as they are free of pain. 3.        Patients cannot bend after spine surgery or cannot sit after spine surgery. ·