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Showing posts from November, 2019

Spine Article

Spine Article Q. Slipped Disc is one of the frequent causes of Backache. What are the function / purpose of Disc? What is Sciatica? What is PID? Ans.:   Between two adjacent vertebras is fibro cartilage (rubber washer like) structure. This is called as Inter vertebral Disc. The Function of this disc is to prevent friction of vertebra on each other, reduce the shocks on the    vertebral column, prevent the degeneration of vertebra; it also gives the Flexibility to the vertebral column. Q. What is the component/composition of the vertebral disc? Ans.: It is composed of 2 portions the central is called nucleus pulposus & peripheral or in the outer region the annulus fibroses. Q. What occurs in PID? Ans.: Due to repeated back strains there is tear in posterior portion of the disc and part of it slide behind where there are components of nervous system, the spinal cord, nerve roots or the nerves. This causes pressure on the spinal cord, or nerve roots o

Ligament & Sport Injury

 Ligament & Sport Injury  What is ligament? Bones on either side of the joint are hold together by a short band of fibrous flexible connective tissue . They are made of dense collagenous bundle ,these structures are called as Ligaments.          What is the propose of Ligaments? Ligament Bridge the end of bones together at the junction (joints), they support the joints and  limit their movements. i.e. the allow LIMITED MOVEMENTS only.                                   ·           Why orthopedic surgeon don’ts see report or x-ray prior to clinical examination? X-ray are shadows : Doctors don’t treat shadows, the treat the patient. X-ray reports such as - no bony injury / normal ,could mislead the patient ,and so also the doctor in ligament injuries. But on clinically examination or assessment of  the patient it is realize  from the pain where exactly  the problem located . After examination of patient when the x-rays are seen ,we focus our att