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Ligament & Sport Injury

 Ligament & Sport Injury 

What is ligament?
Bones on either side of the joint are hold together by a short band of fibrous flexible connective tissue . They are made of dense collagenous bundle ,these structures are called as Ligaments.
What is the propose of Ligaments?
Ligament Bridge the end of bones together at the junction (joints), they support the joints and  limit their movements.
i.e. the allow LIMITED MOVEMENTS only.


  Why orthopedic surgeon don’ts see report or x-ray prior to clinical examination?
X-ray are shadows :
Doctors don’t treat shadows, the treat the patient.
X-ray reports such as - no bony injury / normal ,could mislead the patient ,and so also the doctor in ligament injuries. But on clinically examination or assessment of  the patient it is realize  from the pain where exactly  the problem located .
After examination of patient when the x-rays are seen ,we focus our attention properly on that part of x-ray.
Minor crack fractures or small tiny bony lesions becomes  more evident and are not missed  So ,a consultant will always like to see the patient first rather than seeing x-rays.

  What is sprain ?

When  a ligament is stretched beyond limit , it is injured (Ligament Injury) there is partial amount of tear in some of the collagenous bundles of the ligament this is known as sprain.

·         What is the difference between Ligaments & Tendon ?
Tendons are fibrous connective tissue which join the muscle to the bone. And they  move the joint . They are thin bands at the end of muscle belly.
Ligament joint the bone ends together, ligaments restrict the movements of  joint.
What is difference between sprain and strains?
Injuries to ligaments are sprains.
Injuries to tendon or muscles are called strains.

What is Hemarthrosis ?
Bleeding inside the joint correction of blood inside the joint is called Haemarthosis covering the smooth bone end  is a thin fibroelastic film called the capsules. In joint injury bleeding occurs inside the joint ,which is  restricted inside by this capsule.

·         What are the  types of Joints ?
(Hinge, Pivot and ball & socket plane, saddle, condyloid)
Structural classification are fibrous , cartilaginous , and synovial joints
Functionally – Classified as        

 Immovable       Slightly movable              Freely movable


 •     Freely movable (synovial) are common and of six types pivot , Hinge ,condyloid ,saddle ,plane and ball and socket.

  • Immovable – Skull (suture)
i) Suture
ii) Syndesmosis –Slightly apart
iii) Gomphosis – connect bone to teeth.

  •  Slightly movable: Cartilaginous
 joint between two vertebra the bones are connected by cartilage at the joint. Cartilage in tough elastic structure that help to reduce the friction.

Freely mobile joint allow more movement but are less stable than fibrous immovable or partial movable (cartilagenen) joint.
They have 3 main structural component synovial cavity, articular cartilage and articular capsule.
•    What are sports injuries?
Sprains, strains, tendinitis, fracture dislocation of joints.


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